Naval Criminal Investigative Service

Official High Management Training

Feel free to use red-coloured chat ONLY for this training session!

Hello and welcome to the NCIS High Management training!
I will be your trainer for today’s session. |
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to wave.

By the end of this training, you will be able to promote members with confidence!
Do you have any questions before we begin?

[answer all questions to the best of your ability]

Let's begin with the basic promotion policy we must follow.

1) Both the promoter and the promotee must have filled a station actively for 15 minutes.

2) Do not promote members unless they are deserving based on their dedication and activity in NCIS.

3) If the member is eligible for a promotion however is AFK at the station
please do NOT continue the promotion and request for a 3iC+ to bop them to FTB.

4) When promoting, please give the member words of encouragement
so they keep doing a great job.
For example, explaining why they have deserved the promotion and asking them
to keep up the good work after they have changed their motto can go a long way!

5) Avoid promoting members for the sake of promoting.
Promote those who have been active and working hard in base.

6) Do not self-promote!
If caught doing so, this will lead to possible disciplinary action logged against you.
This can range from warnings to dismissal.

7) Please do not promote more than 2 members within the span of 10 minutes.
If caught doing so, the log and promotion will be deleted.

Do you have any questions so far regarding the Promotion Policy?

[Please answer to the best of your ability]

Now let’s talk about how to properly log the promotion!

Please log in to your Portal on another tab. Let me know once you're there |

[Wait for the member(s) to log in to Portal]

Great! Now kindly click on the Promotions tab.
Once you’re there, you then can enter the username of the member you wish to promote
in the Search bar to see if they are eligible for a promotion.
Each colour of the promotion box signifies a different action to be taken upon promoting someone.

[Change colour chat to green]
Green: Eligible for promotion.

[Change colour chat to yellow]
Yellow: Eligible for promotion into a new division and requires a new badge.

[Change colour chat to purple]
Purple: Eligible for promotion into a new division, however, requires training and a new badge.
You must first train the individual, log the promotion, and then log the training.

[Change colour chat back to red]

When you are about to promote a member
stand 1 step away to allow members to stand in front of you when getting AA’d.

Always make sure you request their new division badge through the #requests channel
on our Discord server by tagging @Badge Admin

After entering the member's username in Portal and it shows green, please proceed with promoting.
You will then copy the new promotion rank and ask the member to change their motto to their new rank.
Always ensure their new motto is correct before AEing them.
Once their motto is correct, you can click the Confirm button which will add -
the promotion into the system!

Please note that each division has a promotion limit which you can find on the website.
This is under Rank Info > Rank List.
The promotion limit is indicated below the division name.​
For example, High Management can promote only up to Security.
Do you have any questions before we begin the test?

[Answer all questions to the best of your ability]

Alright, We will now begin the test.

Best of luck! |

1) Please list 3 rules you must obey when promoting members.

2) Are you able to promote members just for the sake of promoting? Please explain why.

3) Upon entering the username of the member you’d wish to promote,
the promote button turns yellow.
Please list the steps you must take in order to promote that individual.

4) What is the promotion limit for the High Management division?

5) How long must you and the promotee have been filling a station before promotion?

6) How many promotions can you complete within the span of 10 minutes?

[Please explain the answers to any questions they may have gotten wrong]

Congratulations! You’ve passed the High Management training! |

Before we proceed, may I ask if you are part of our Discord server or not?

[wait for their response]

As a HM member, you are obligated to join our Discord server.
where you will be able to request for RR, BA, TU, Payer etc. easily!

You may access it via our website ncishabbo|com -
simply click on the “Join our Discord” Button down below
Once in, be sure to post in #role-request with the following format:
Habbo Name: (Your habbo username) Rank: (Your rank)

Now! A few perks you get as a new member of High Management:
You no longer have to enter base VIA FTF and FTS -
You can use the HM Gate in the lobby for quick access!

You are not required to wear the NCIS uniform anymore!
You may wear what you want, as long as it's appropriate -
and follows the uniform policy which you can find under Handbook > Uniform Policy

Do you have any more questions before we go BTB?

[Answer any final questions]

You may now head BTB |