Naval Criminal Investigative Service

HQ Tour

Please do the tour via whisper!

Congratulations on joining NCIS! | 

I’ll be your guide for today’s tour!

This tour will help you understand more about the stations we fill,

and the daily duties ran at NCIS. 

Please follow me throughout the tour |

Do you have any questions before we get started?

[Wait for the member to answer]

[Please answer any questions to the best of your ability]

Alright, then let’s begin! Please follow me |

[Walk over to FTS]

This is FTS, also known as Fill the Security. 

Here, we do a Security search on anyone coming from the front desk.

Follow me! 

[Walk them to FTT]

This is FTT, also known as the Training desk.

This is where new members are led to training to learn the ways of NCIS.

[Walk them to the Gym station] 

Here you will find the Gym equipment!

You will be able to AFK here while also gaining some Habbo achievements!

Let’s move over to the next area!

[Head down to the Pay Badges]

These are our pay badges that you will be requesting depending on the work you complete.

You need to be vouched for your work by at least 1 Minister+ member or

2 divisions lower than Minister members.

During the pay period, you have to wear it and AA behind your seat to claim pay

once pay time has been announced.

[Introduce them to the FTB] 

This is FTB, also known as Fill The Back.

This is where you may idle and go AFK.

In order to officially go AFK, please step on the tile like so.

[Demonstrate how to step on the tile and get them to do it as well]

Follow me |

[Walk to the café] 

This is the café, where you can socialize with other members and just relax! 

[Walk over to the Transfer Desk]

This is the Transfer Desk!

If a member from another agency wants to join NCIS you would 

guide them to this desk.

If there are no Transfer members available, you can request for one in the

NCIS Discord server #requests channel.

[Walk over to the Help Desk]

This is our NCIS Help Desk

Members ranked OOA+ are eligible to fill this station 

If you ever have any questions or concerns about NCIS,

feel free to sit at the swivel chairs here and await assistance!

[Walk over to Events area]

This is our Events area!

Here we are hosting different types of games 

If you take part in these games you can get coin prizes

so be sure to participate!

Do you have any questions for me so far?

[Wait for member to answer]

Perfect! Please follow me.

[Walk over to FTF]

Please take a seat!

This is FTF, also known as Fill the Front. 

Here is where you’ll be working to recruit new members.

You will demonstrate everything you have learnt in your training.

[Get them to sit down at FTF]

 Just a reminder on how to Recruit:

Get them to request the ID badge.

Have them double click on the mannequin and click on “Wear Clothing” to wear the NCIS uniform.

Get them to change their motto to: [NCIS] Recruit

Then wish them luck in training and say !enter to let them in.

Always make sure to greet EVERYONE that enters |

Another reminder, please do not idle (AFK) at ANY workstations.

Awesome! This completes our tour for today. 

I hope you enjoyed it!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Also please be sure to check out our website ncishabbo|com

I’ll see you around the base! |