Naval Criminal Investigative Service

Official Recruit Training Script

[Feel free to use red-coloured chat ONLY for this training session!]

Hello and welcome to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.
I will be your trainer for this session!
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to wave.
Please pay attention, as there will be a short test at the end!
If you fail, you will be prompted to retake the test.
Also, if I am going too fast, please let me know and I will slow down.
Are you ready to begin?

[Wait for them to respond]

The first part of the session consists of the rules we uphold in NCIS.
You must make sure to follow these rules while in HQ.

1) Never AFK (being away from the keyboard) at any working stations.
2) No dancing allowed during the Pay Ban period following each pay
3) Never ask for pay, promotion, or rights - even as a joke. They are earned.
4) Never discriminate against anyone for their rank, race or gender.
5) Only use the allowed coloured chats within any NCIS rooms.
You will be able to see the screenshot of the allowed colours in #ncis-announcements
6) Never double job (working in two or more agencies at the same time).
7) You are not allowed to spam in NCIS rooms or in any allied agencies’ room.
8) Absolutely no poaching.
9) You must be employed at NCIS for a day before claiming your first pay.

Do you have any questions about the rules?

[Wait for a response. Answer the questions they ask, if any]

Our next step in this session is understanding our various commands.
​These commands are simple to understand and help us direct staff!

FTF - Fill the Front: when you sit at the front desk and assist in recruiting new clients.
Do not let anyone in without the proper B.U.M. (Badge, Uniform, Motto).
F.T.B - Fill the Back: when you sit at the back couches of the base to AFK or await further instructions.
CTH - Clear the Halls: when you fill a station so as to not crowd the hallway.
BTB - Back to Base: this signifies for members to return back to the NCIS base - no questions asked.
AA - At Attention: this implies standing in front of the High Rank that has called you to AA.
Wave and say “Reporting!”
AE - At Ease: this is your dismissal from AA to go back to what you were previously doing.

Any questions about the commands we use?

[Wait for a response. Answer the questions they ask, if any]

Our last step towards your training is the test.
Any final questions before we commence?

[Wait for a response. Answer the questions they ask, if any]

Good luck! |

1) What does FTF mean and what do you do when told to do so?
[Wait for a response, don't correct]

2) What do you do when someone tells you to AA? Please demonstrate.
[Wait for them to properly demonstrate AA, don't correct]

3) State three things you are not allowed to ask.
[Wait for a response, don't correct]

4) Where must you go if you wish to AFK?
[Wait for a response, don't correct]

5) When are you allowed to claim your first pay?
[Wait for a response, don't correct]


Congrats on passing your recruit test!
Please change your motto to: [NCIS] Agent I [YOUR PROMO TAG]
The I is a capital i
Let me know once you are done. |


Unfortunately, you didn't pass the test - but we can certainly retake it!
I'll go through some of the pieces you've missed so you'll have a better chance at passing.

[Proceed to retake the test if desired, make sure to go over what they don't understand]



I will now teach you how to recruit at NCIS!

Always remember B.U.M - Badge, Uniform, Motto!

1) Welcome the person over to your station.
2) Get them to change their motto to: [NCIS] Recruit.
3) Get them to join the NCIS ID badge by looking through your profile or using the pennant.
Note: Make sure to check if they have any other agency or mafia badges on their profile.
4) Ask them to wear the uniform by double-clicking on the mannequins in the lobby and click on “Wear Clothing”.
5) Once the B.U.M is right, wish them luck on training and let them in by saying !enter.

Any questions on how to recruit?

[Wait for a response. Answer the questions they ask, if any]

Before I start explaining how to join our Discord server, I would like to go over
how our pay system works here at NCIS.

There are 3 different pay periods: 12am, 6am, 12pm EST every day!
You must follow these steps in order to get paid for your work at NCIS:
Fill a station for a minimum of 1 hour and ask 1 Minister+ or 2 non-ministers to vouch for you!
Once you have joined our Discord server, you will see the channel: #pay-vouch
You will be asked to include a screenshot of your profile that includes
a 1-hour/60-minute block of time as well as your vouchers
Lastly, make sure to request the pay badge!
The pay badge must be requested at the very latest
10 minutes before pay time.
After getting paid, you are required to fill a station for 30 minutes to avoid a pay ban
Remember: New members will only be able to accept their first pay after being employed for 24 hours

Do you have any questions?

[Wait for a response. Answer the questions they ask, if any]

Moving on, in NCIS we also offer “Bonus Pay”
In order to collect it, there are three different types of Tiers:

Tier I - You must fill any station for 1 hour without interruption
Tier II - You must fill a station for 2 hours without interruption and require 2 Vouchers.
You will be given an additional 2c for Tier II.
Tier III - You must fill a station for 3 hours without interruption and a voucher for each hour - 3 vouches in total.
You will be given an additional 4c for Tier III.
You must have at least 1 Minister+ or 2 lower than Minister vouches for
each hour completed.

You only need to request the relevant Tier Badge for the work you’ve done.
e.g. You’ve worked 3 hours, request Tier III badge only.

Do you have any questions?

[Wait for a response. Answer the questions they ask, if any]

In order for us to keep our members up to date with the latest information & changes,
We communicate through a platform called “Discord”.
I highly recommend that you join our server on that platform
as it helps you to stay informed about all news and
changes as well as to post your pay vouch(es) to get paid.
In order to claim pay in NCIS, you need to be on our server!
However, you can still choose not to join for now.
If interested in joining, please proceed to ncishabbo|com
When you scroll down on the home page, you will find
a section that says “Discord”
Click on the “Join Our Discord” button and post in #role-request
with the format pinned in chat.
This allows Discord Mods to role you accordingly.

Any questions about Discord?

[Wait for a response. Answer the questions they ask, if any]

If you would like to know more about our rules and policies
please read our Code of Conduct & Pay policy on ncishabbo|com
You may also approach the Help Desk in base for further assistance.

Once again congratulations on passing the test. Welcome to the family!
We can proceed BTB shortly, but before we go back
would you like a tour of our base?

Fantastic! Please step through the gate to go BTB and we can start the tour!

That’s all good! If you do have any questions please don’t hesitate
to ask for assistance at the Help Desk in base!