Naval Criminal Investigative Service

Official Transfer Training

[Feel free to use coloured chat ONLY where the text is coloured for this training session!]

Hello and welcome to Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) Official Transfer Training!
I will be your trainer during this training session.
If at any point I am going through the information too fast, please do inform me.
Do you have any questions before we start?

[Answer any questions that they might have to the best of your capabilities]

Let’s begin by learning the basic commands.
AA – Attention – Stand up from your seat facing the person that called the command, wave and say,
AE – At Ease – Sit back down and/or continue what you were doing.
FTF – Fill The Front – Operate at the Front Station to recruit and permit members to access
the base. Ensure they have the correct Badge, Uniform & Motto(B.U.M)
Ask them to wear the uniform by double-clicking on the uniforms in the lobby and then click on “Wear Clothing”.

Once everything is done, say !enter to let them through our base!
FTS – Fill The Security – Operate the Security station where you ensure only NCIS members
enter the HQ
Say !gate to let them through the Security gate!
F.T.B – Fill The Back – Sit in the back area of the base. (Mostly done to AFK)
BTB – Back To Base – Return to the NCIS HQ.
CTH – Clear The Halls called by a member ranking High Management+

Do you have any questions or need me to repeat any commands?

[Answer to the best of your capabilities]

Now for the rules of NCIS:
Most agencies follow the same rules, however some of the most noteworthy rules in NCIS
are as follows:
1. There are certain colour chats that members, SV, DV, iC, Donators and DM members can use.
Please refer to #ncis-announcements for an image of which colours are allowed.
2. Never Double Job while under the employment of NCIS. (Working in another agency/military)
3. Dancing is NOT allowed during the Pay-Ban period. This applies even when you didn’t claim pay.
4. If you would like to purchase ranks, you may only do so from members with the
Rank Seller badge owned by NCIS-Foundation.
5. You must not poach any members of the other agencies/militaries and must never advertise
NCIS in other agency/military rooms.

More of our rules can be found on our website: ncishabbo|com
Handbook > Code of Conduct
Make sure to go through it when you are free and ask us any questions you may have.
Do you have any questions and/or concerns before we move on?
[Answer questions to the best of your capabilities]

Are you familiar with how Security works?
[If they answer yes, proceed to the Trainer+ section. If they answer no, explain the following]
[Make sure you help them register in portal regardless!]

The portal is where you'll be doing your Security Search!
Please proceed to the ncisportal|habbobites|com and let me know when you are there
Great! Now kindly click on “Register” and follow through with the steps needed.
You will need to change your motto once you’ve reached the Verification part.
Once you are done I can give you your correct motto again.
If you have any questions during the registration process, let me know.

[Answer questions to the best of your capabilities]

You should now have access to the Security Search tab.
The Security Search tab is where you will enter the username of the member under and it shows the status of the member!
You must log all trainings you have conducted.
Please scroll down to Settings and set yourself a promotion tag!
Your promotion tag must be 2-4 letters long and must relate to your username.

Do you have any questions?

[Answer questions to the best of your capabilities]

At FTS, you are expected to use this search when people are
sent to the Security area.
To operate the gate of FTS say !gate - this teleports the member further into Security.

At this moment, inform the person to give you a moment - whisper them and
copy their username and paste it into the search bar that says “Enter Habbo Name”
Once you click on Search - you will see the member’s status - Approved or Denied
You can try this with my username now and see what response you get.

[Use Green Chat]
Green Tile - This tile is for letting existing members inside the NCIS HQ.
[Use Red Chat]
Red Tile - This tile is for sending people without the proper BUM back to the lobby.
[Use Yellow Chat]
Yellow Tile - This tile is for [NCIS] Recruit or anyone that requires training.
They must also wear the proper B.U.M in order to proceed.

Do you have any questions regarding Security Training?
[Answer questions to the best of your capabilities]

When training, its extremely important to log the training on the portal!

Please log in to your portal and open the Training Tabl! 

Do let me know when you're there|

The Training tab is where you will log all your conducted training under.

You must log all the training you have conducted.

Let me know if you have any questions relating to it.|

[Once the trainee says they’re done:]

Great! Now please go to Settings and set yourself a promotion tag. It must be 2-4 letters long and
must also relate to your username.

Are you familiar with how this portal works?

[If they answer yes, proceed to the next training session. If they answer no, explain the following]

For the next part, we’ll be discussing Training Sessions. Please follow me to the hallway.

[Take trainee to the Training Hallway]
[Please proceed with the training in a whisper to not distract anyone else that may be in the hallway]

This is where Recruits get teleported.
To open the gates on the other side, step on the tile to a training room here.
This allows the trainees to move into the training rooms through the teleporters.

[Quick demonstration by stepping on the gates to show trainee how it works]

Make sure the training room is empty before you ask the trainee to enter the teleporter.
The green light indicates that the room is empty and the red implies it is occupied.
Let’s go back to the training room. Follow me once again!

[Head back to the training room]

The switch on the right side of the chair is used to let the trainees in.
The training scripts can be found on ncishabbo|com > Training Scripts
During the training, you’re required to copy and paste the script line-by-line,
leaving a space between each line.
Once the training has ended, you are to log the session under “Training” on the Portal.
Failed training has to be logged as well.
Then, you’ll use the same switch to direct your trainees back to base.
Do you have any questions regarding our training system?

[Answer any questions that they might have to the best of your abilities]


Now, let’s look at our promotional guidelines!
As a HM+ you are able to promote people within NCIS.
There are a few things you’ll have to take note of before promoting:
You must follow the Attention procedure to successfully start the promotion.
Call out and ask the member you want to promote to Attention by saying “AA!”.
Following this, the member must wave and answer you with “Reporting!”

If not please kindly inform them of their mistake then carry on.
The following rules must be followed at all times before promoting a member:

1. Both you and the employee must fill a station for at least 15 minutes.
2. You are allowed to promote MAX 2 members in a span of 10 minutes.

Additionally, you must ensure they are eligible for their next promotion via the Portal
Promotion Log.
Are you aware of what the different coloured Promote buttons mean on the Portal?

[Wait for them to respond. If they respond with Yes, please move on to the “Discord” section. If they respond with No, continue with the following script.]

A Promote Button will appear on the right of their log if they are eligible for a promotion.
To check this, navigate to “Promotions” on Portal and tell me when you’re there.

[Wait for trainee’s response]

You will see a rectangle promotion button on the right side of the promotion logs

The green button with a “+Promote” mark means that the employee can be promoted
and you can log the promotion automatically by clicking on the button and then “Confirm”.

The yellow button tells you that the employee will be moving on to a new division on their
next promotion and requires a new division badge.

The purple button means that the employee will be needing a training session for their next
division as well as a badge.

Any questions regarding Promotions on Portal?
[Answer questions to the best of your abilities]


In order for us to keep our members up-to-date with the latest information & changes,
We communicate through a communication platform called “Discord”.

[Use this if the transferee is above HM]
When you reach the division of High Management or higher, it's obligatory to join our Discord Server,
which is required to help you in your career in NCIS.

You may access it via our website ncishabbo|com - simply click on the “Join our Discord” Button.


NCIS follows a tiered system for pay - Tier I, II, and III

Working actively and consecutively for up to 3 hours in between pay periods will give you a chance

to earn up to 4c extra to your allocated pay. 

Tier I - 1hr of active working = standard allocated pay

Tier II - 2hr of active working = 2c bonus pay

Tier III - 3hr of active working = 4c bonus pay

With any tier, you have to get either 1 Minister+ or 2 lower than Ministers to vouch for you


Let’s now go over the NCIS pay rules:
1. Pay times are at 12am, 6am & 12pm EST daily.
2. Pay ranges from 3 - 10c according to your division.
3. Do NOT ask for pay early or AA before pay has started.
4. You will have to wait in the AA position for your turn to be paid.
5. You must have your pay badge accepted at the very latest 10 minutes before pay.
6. If you do not have your trading pass, you will receive a promotion instead.
The only exception to this is for SM+ members.
7. You MUST actively fill a station 5 minutes before pay.
8. If you are late or miss a pay period, you will have to wait for the next period.
9. Pay ban period lasts for 30mins after pay is claimed.
10. You must be a member for a day in order to claim payment.
Further information can be found at ncishabbo|com > Handbook > Code of Conduct

Do you have any questions regarding the pay rules?
[Answer questions to the best of your abilities]

Congratulations! You have finished the Transferee Training for your major divisions.
Thank you for taking the time to finish this session.
If you have any questions, you may ask the Help Desk or any iCs for assistance.
We can proceed to BTB shortly, but before we go back - would you like a tour of our base?
[If they say yes] Fantastic! Please step through the gate to go BTB and we will get the tour started!
[If they say no] That’s all good! If you do have any questions about any of the areas in base,
please do not hesitate to hop on Help Desk and a member of staff will assist you
with any queries you may have.